Should a small business owner question credit restoration? Certainly not. Credit restoration for a small business owner will help you with the following: Increase Your Credit Scores for Conforming Rates and Jumbo Home Loans Good credit equals better cash flow for your business and personal finances. There are great advantages of having good credit for […]
Credit Repair Services
Four Original Well Established Credit Concepts at this Company
After establishing myself in the finance industry for over 25 years, I have helped thousands of clients especially small and mid-size business owners and real estate investors with their financial landscapes. Hands On The credit restoration process at this company has always been and always will be “hands on”. The hands on approach in restoring […]
Make Your Credit Great Again!
How do I Make My Credit Great Again? A good way to start making your credit great again is first, simply checking your credit. We highly recommend Experian, or MyFico and order a three merge credit report; you will not be penalized for a credit inquiry. Once you find errors on your credit report, contact […]
Fixing Your Credit is as Sweet as Honey
More clients are requesting to start our credit restoration services. Two clients who just completed our credit restoration process, one is purchasing a home and the other client is refinancing his business. It has been a sweet success for our clients to overcome their personal credit and business credit obstacles; it’s awesome to watch the […]
New Business Credit Starts First With Personal Credit
Personal credit is your tangible asset for life; why not take care of it? Everything starts with personal credit, including business finance. As a business owner, maintaining your personal credit is the key to flexible financing. With current lending restrictions, many lenders require a three merge credit report besides your business credit report. Lenders use […]
5 Misconceptions about Credit Repair
If restoring your credit is your priority, do your homework about credit repair companies. Since the internet is so large and diverse, many online companies can mislead you about the “real” credit restoration process. Credit repair takes time, dedication and discipline. Not all credit repair companies are treated equal; there are some excellent credit repair […]