It is no surprise that once again small and mid-size businesses are impacted, last time radical COVID lockdowns, this time stagflation. What is a business owner supposed to do? A business owner you can take advantage of the interest rates that are still relatively low before they go up even more in 2023. If you […]
Debt Solutions
How Does a Chapter 11 Affect My Commercial Lending?
A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a last source for a business owner to reorganize business debt. Perhaps it was a non performing business partner, embezzlement or a nonperforming CFO, which led to your Chapter 11 petition. Creditors can also file an involuntary bankruptcy to force a business not meeting its obligations into court, such as […]
4 New Alternative Business Credit Solutions
Post COVID will be quite challenging for some small and mid size business owners. At First Pro Capital, we strive to service our clients the best we can. We have added four valuable alternative business programs that will help small business and mid-size business owners. Business Credit Repair As a business owner, your time is your […]
Business Identity Risks Rising After COVID-19
According to Dun and Bradstreet High Risk and Fraud Insight team, there has been an increase of 258% of business identity theft since early 2020, mostly illegally gaining access to the Paycheck Protection Program. COVID-19 has been an opportunity for fraudsters. When thugs are out rioting, looting and burning businesses down, stealing a business identity […]
Can the CARES Act Deferment Program Help or Hurt My Credit?
When you asked for a deferment during the COVID 19 pandemic, mortgages and other creditors will report this status on your credit report. If you are not seeking new financing but used the CARES Act to assist you during the pandemic to help your credit rating, ultimately the program will protect your credit scores and […]
Quick Options to Business Owners from the Impact of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic was unexpected; as a result, businesses are affected the most besides of course public health. Business owners who cannot get financed because of the pandemic or who had to place a hold on their business expansions, short term steps are necessary like quick fixes to help your business continue to run during […]