Need a super quick boost to increase your credit scores? These three quick and easy tips will help you improve your credit scores rapidly. Experian Boost Experian Boost is free, simply go to Experian and enroll for a free account. Once you are enrolled, you can access Experian Boost. At no charge, you may add […]
Credit Repair Tips
5 Misconceptions about Credit Repair
If restoring your credit is your priority, do your homework about credit repair companies. Since the internet is so large and diverse, many online companies can mislead you about the “real” credit restoration process. Credit repair takes time, dedication and discipline. Not all credit repair companies are treated equal; there are some excellent credit repair […]
10 Simple Credit Do’s and Don’ts
Consumers may be rejected for loans or jobs based on erroneous credit reporting. In a recent study, 79 percent of credit reports reviewed contained serious errors or other inaccuracies in regard to a credit trade line and personal information. Did you know, the national average credit score for those with a severely delinquent mortgage account was 599 […]