While shopping online for a credit restoration company, ads and membership fees seem reasonable, but are they? As a business owner or real estate investor, what are you going to lose if the multilevel marketing credit repair specialist’s tactics fail you? Wasting Your Time Ask yourself if they really know what they are doing? How […]
personal credit repair
Make Your Credit Great Again!
How do I Make My Credit Great Again? A good way to start making your credit great again is first, simply checking your credit. We highly recommend Experian, or MyFico and order a three merge credit report; you will not be penalized for a credit inquiry. Once you find errors on your credit report, contact […]
Public Records and Your Personal Credit
What is a public record on my credit report? A public record which appears on your credit report can consist of a bankruptcy, money judgment, tax lien and sometimes back child support and alimony. Depending upon your state’s statutes and legislation, the derogatory reporting will remain on your credit for up to 7-10 years, a […]
Four Simple and Quick Tips for Christmas Credit Card Scams
Stealing is at a more sophisticated level and most of us cannot comprehend it, there are available black malware programs that are out there for “sophisticated stealing” If you are at a department store and would like to open a new department credit card because of an additional percentage off your purchase, keep mind that […]
Attorney Compelled to Help With Credit
An attorney was frustrated with his client’s file and gave his credit problem client to our company. After interviewing the client, sending extensive audits and reviewing their responses, our company was able to remove her two bad mortgage accounts. There was not much leverage to work with this client’s bad credit. One of the two lenders, in their correspondence, verified […]