Should a small business owner question credit restoration? Certainly not. Credit restoration for a small business owner will help you with the following:
Increase Your Credit Scores for Conforming Rates and Jumbo Home Loans
Good credit equals better cash flow for your business and personal finances. There are great advantages of having good credit for your personal loans such as mortgages and auto loans and your business like commercial real estate financing and business lending. Restoring or tweaking your personal credit is not an expenditure, it is an investment and saving you thousands of dollars in the very near future. Also, what if you have a conforming business loan and the balloon is due and your current credit score will not qualify you for a conforming business loan refinance. So now what? Ask for an extension and contact your local lender to get referred to a reputable credit restoration company.
Exiting a Hard Money Loan
A hard money loan should always be considered as short term and not as a long term note. When entering into a commercial hard money loan, your exit strategy must be in place. Never enter into a “loan to own” loan. For example: You entered into a hard money commercial loan because your fico score was 620. After financing into a commercial hard money loan, you can easily fix or tweak your credit score to a 680 or better. Certainly, this will take time to improve your credit, especially if there are derogatory accounts appearing on your personal credit. When exiting out of your commercial hard money loan, you may sell your property or finance into a conforming commercial real estate loan, once you achieved a 680 or higher fico score.
Entering a New Auto Loan for Business
A client just recently asked how can he build his business credit even further. I explained the next time he purchases a vehicle to place the car into his business, of course he will personally guarantee the auto loan because that is what some lenders require. The minimal personal credit score requirements of placing your vehicle into your company’s name is 660. When approved, not only will the auto loan appear on your personal credit report but also your business credit report.
Exiting Out of an Alternative Business Loan and Entering Into a Traditional Business Loan
Alternative business lending can be short term like commercial hard money. When entering into an alternative business loan, make sure you do not have a pre-payment penalty. There are a good number of alternative business lenders that do not charge a pre-payment penalty. Again, once you enter into an alternative business loan, an exit strategy must be in place.
Now it is your turn to receive our free thorough credit consultation!
For more information on how we can help you locally with your personal credit or business credit in Cape Coral, FL and Punta Gorda, FL please fill out the online contact form about your concerns or give us a call at 239.260.4602. Read what our valued clients have to say about First Pro Capital and Credit Consulting Experts on our Testimonials page.
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