We are deeply saddened by Hurricane Ian’s devastating damages on our Southwest Florida community. For this reason, this company is providing free step by step help and tips to get your recovery going fast for your business credit and safeguarding your personal credit. EIDL and Business Physical Disaster Loans The SBA EIDL program was designed […]
First Pro Capital Posts
Improvements That Can Make Your Business Credit Shine
Business credit reports are just as important as personal credit reports, especially if you are running a small or mid-size privately owned business. Keep Payment Trade Data Clean Secure your payment data with a history of net 30s and satisfactory status on your business credit report, the trades who report you over net 30 affect […]
Can a Florida Multifamily Commercial Loan Help Me Expand My Real Estate Portfolio?
Trending: Lease and lease and lease. Tenants are seeking quality rental units and a good landlord or property manager. Why? Because of the rate hikes, tenants expect more. What can help your current multifamily to shine more? If you are seeking renovation or establishing another multifamily building, refinancing your property may benefit your current real […]
Florida Seniors Receive a Free Identity Theft Recovery Checklist
More and more 65 plus and better are taken advantage by perpetrators online or phone scams. After my recent conversation with a federal agency today, who informed my company that identity theft for seniors is on the rise. For this reason, this company is providing a list to our Floridian seniors who can use this […]
How Can I Balance My Business Debt during Rising Inflation?
It is no surprise that once again small and mid-size businesses are impacted, last time radical COVID lockdowns, this time stagflation. What is a business owner supposed to do? A business owner you can take advantage of the interest rates that are still relatively low before they go up even more in 2023. If you […]
How Does a Chapter 11 Affect My Commercial Lending?
A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a last source for a business owner to reorganize business debt. Perhaps it was a non performing business partner, embezzlement or a nonperforming CFO, which led to your Chapter 11 petition. Creditors can also file an involuntary bankruptcy to force a business not meeting its obligations into court, such as […]