If restoring your credit is your priority, do your homework about credit repair companies. Since the internet is so large and diverse, many online companies can mislead you about the “real” credit restoration process. Credit repair takes time, dedication and discipline. Not all credit repair companies are treated equal; there are some excellent credit repair […]
First Pro Capital Posts
Is Turning Your Accounts Receivable Into Cash Right for Your Business?
When banks turn you down for a bankable business loan, what are you going to do? Utilize accounts receivable financing, a practical approach of getting cash fast. Factoring is the process of selling outstanding receivables to a financial institution. The average amount financed against your outstanding invoices aka (invoice factoring) is approximately 60 to 85 […]
One size does not fit all… Is Bankruptcy right for you?
Written By: Attorney Joshua M. Liszt, Esq People from all walks of life are currently experiencing difficult economic times. This is no more prevalent than in Florida where the once over inflated housing market continues to decline and the economic outlook remains bleak. However, despite so many people dealing with similar economic troubles, there is […]
Managing Your Business Debt and Maintaining Your Business Credit like Your Workout
“Being a small business owner in this economic market is quite challenging. In fact, small businesses make up 99.7% of all employer firms; pay 44% of total US private payroll, have generated 64 percent of net new jobs over the past 15 years and 52 percent are home- based businesses.” (Source: Sba.gov) Managing Your Business […]
6 Ways to Win Better Credit Scores
Whether you’re a millionaire, upper middle class, white collar, blue collar or middle class, everyone needs to maintain good credit by tweaking it or restoring credit. Utilize the following six ways to instantly win a better credit score: Check your credit report: Go to Equifax or Experian , you will not be penalized for a […]
How Worthy is Your Personal Credit and How Can You Improve It?
“Credit is a contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now and agrees to repay the lender at a later date, thereby generating a debt.” (Source: InvestorWords.com & Wikipedia.org) Consumer Credit is Personal Credit Personal Credit includes: credit cards, installment loans, home equity loans, mortgages and auto loans. Your credit history is […]