Are you still procrastinating on restoring your credit? Did you know that it is more expensive to carry bad credit than restoring and maintaining good credit? Are you overspending because of your bad credit? Are you carrying that double digit interest rate on your car note because of your low credit scores ? If you have answered yes to any of our questions, it’s time to start the credit restoration process.
Just Do It…Invest in Your Credit
Now is the time to make the investment on restoring your credit, yes, restoring your credit is an investment to you. We have clients that enroll in our program who have 700 scores who choose to restore their credit back to the high 800’s. For Example: A current business owner has a 725 credit score, he previously had an 825 score, he proceeded to go back to the 800 credit scores because of his business and liabilities. His lower credit scores truly bothered my client who was previously in the 800’s. Credit repair is for anyone who is seeking an improvement on their overall credit.
High Monthly Costs of Bad Credit
Look at your monthly expenses, examine your overall credit and determine which monthly expenses are affected by your credit:
- Your Mortgage Payment(s)
- Business Loan(s)
- Auto Insurance
- Auto Loan(s)
- Commercial Real Estate Loan(s)
- Credit Card Rates
- Homeowners Insurance
Wow! That’s a lot of money you can save right now per month, by repairing your credit. Why keep the high costs of low or lower credit scores? Take advantage of today’s low interest rates. Save thousands of dollars per year by repairing your credit with a credit specialist. Get a fresh start, and save money now, you owe it to yourself and your business! Don’t forget about our thorough free credit consultation before there any discussions about purchasing our services.
Related Articles:
- 10 Ways a Bad Credit Score Can Hurt You
- Road to Good Credit…Yeah but Which One?
- 5 Misconceptions about Credit Repair
- 6 Ways to Win a Better Credit Score
- 8 Credit Score Myths
- 10 Simple Credit Dos and Don’ts
For more information on how we can improve your personal credit and business credit in Pompano Beach and Lauderdale by the Sea , please fill out the online contact form about your concerns or give us a call at 855.477-9007 . Read what our valued clients have to say about First Pro Capital on our Testimonials page.
Allow our team of professionals to assist you!
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