A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a last source for a business owner to reorganize business debt. Perhaps it was a non performing business partner, embezzlement or a nonperforming CFO, which led to your Chapter 11 petition. Creditors can also file an involuntary bankruptcy to force a business not meeting its obligations into court, such as […]
Commercial Credit
Can a Commercial Hard Money Loan Quickly Help Me?
If you’re obtaining a decent commercial property, and not have the necessary credit scores, a combination of credit restoration and a commercial hard money loan maybe an option for your current commercial real estate transaction. Poor to Fair Credit What is the purpose of considering a commercial hard money loan? Is it because of your […]
Business Commercial Credit Scores Can Also Contain Erroneous Information
Not only do personal credit reports contain erroneous credit information, but also business commercial credit reports. If you are a small business owner, it is important to maintain personal credit and good business commercial credit. In addition to maintaining decent personal and commercial credit, a business owner should keep the business credit and personal credit […]