With more credit crunches ahead, more small businesses are opting to alternative business lending. If you’re seeking a short term bridge business loan, look no further. This type of business loan maybe a perfect fit for your business. A short term bridge business loan should not affect your cash flow. because this type of loan is based on your bank deposits. Good cash flow equals funding this quick and easy bridge business loan in less than seven business days. How about the rate? The rate is lower than some business credit cards and some personal credit cards but more expensive than your local bank’s business loan. Minimum credit score is 620 or better.
Why Need a Short Term Business Loan?
If you are seeking a short term business loan because of a loan amount request that is less than $200,000 and want hassle free from paperwork and avoid long turn times, this type of loan may work for your business. This program also works for business owners who need to fine tune their personal credit and business credit for future business financing like SBA or Asset Based Lending. For Example: Our client wanted to remodel his restaurant; he did not want to extend any business debt too long. Our client elected a short term bridge loan with a 12 month term and a loan amount of $45,000. Our client was pleased that he received funding for his business in less than seven business days and was immediately ready to start his remodel project for his restaurant.
Small business owners, start the New Year right by selecting a short term business loan, our consultations are free and there are no upfront fees for our business lending and commercial lending products.
For more information on how we can help you obtain alternative business lending locally in Marco Island , please fill out the online contact form about your concerns or give us a call at 239.260.4602. Read what our valued clients have to say about First Pro Capital and Credit Consulting Experts on our Testimonials page.
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